Canyoneering Headless Hen and Raven Canyons
King Mesa
Tue 35 | 9 |
Wed 43 | 12 |
Thu 46 | 16 |
Fri 49 | 19 |
Sat 49 | 23 |
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Tue 35 | 9 |
Wed 43 | 12 |
Thu 46 | 16 |
Fri 49 | 19 |
Sat 49 | 23 |
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Two small forks of a small side canyon with vastly different personalities. Both are challenging. Both are recommended for experienced canyoneers. Intermediate canyoneers can visit Headless Hen if they are with experienced leaders, but Raven requires everyone be experienced.
Headless Hen is all about potholes. The canyon contains many potholes that are a little bit challenging to get out of, but are generally more challenging to get into than out of. You will need a good climber in the group, or a lot of excellent team work. A minimum group size of 3 is recommended, although more is better. Be cautious getting into the potholes, as some of the downclimbs are tricky, and anchor possibilities are slim.
Raven is my favorite of the two. Raven starts out with some high stemming sections. Nothing particularly difficult, but enough to keep your attention. After a couple of sections of stemming comes the fun part, an amazing section of potholes. The trick here is to climb around, instead of through the potholes. None are particularly difficult, but some require interesting climbing moves to get by. A short rope could be useful if a member of your group went in.
Due to their length, it is highly recommended to visit both on the same trip and fill out the day. Unfortunately, I have never gotten good pictures in these canyons. The pictures presented don't do the canyon's justice. They are fun canyons for an experienced group.
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