Shelf Canyon | Zion

Hiking Shelf Canyon - Zion Hiking Shelf Canyon



RATING: Easy Hike
MAPS: Springdale East, UT;


Sunny. High near 54, with temperatures falling to around 52 in the afternoon. North northwest wind 2 to 8 mph.

54 | 31


Sunny, with a high near 55. North wind 3 to 7 mph.

55 | 27


Mostly sunny, with a high near 59.

59 | 28


Sunny, with a high near 66.

66 | 33


Sunny, with a high near 69.

69 | 39

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GEAR: Standard Hiking Gear
WATER: A bit at the end. Expect knee deep wading.
FLASHFLOOD: Moderate / Low


Sunny. High near 54, with temperatures falling to around 52 in the afternoon. North northwest wind 2 to 8 mph.

54 | 31


Sunny, with a high near 55. North wind 3 to 7 mph.

55 | 27


Mostly sunny, with a high near 59.

59 | 28


Sunny, with a high near 66.

66 | 33


Sunny, with a high near 69.

69 | 39

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Diane staying dry near the end.

Diane staying dry near the end.

Nice view near the start

Nice view near the start

A slot canyon experience in Zion, without the hassle of ropes and technical gear?!? Shelf Canyon is a short canyon right off the highway through the park. Though it doesn't look like much from the highway, it quickly narrows into a deep, shelf-lined slot canyon (hence the name). It is short but makes for a fun family-friendly outing to a dark slot. Canyoneers will likely not be impressed by this one, but hikers are likely to enjoy the canyon.

Getting started in Shelf Canyon

Getting started in Shelf Canyon

Diane attacking one of the obstacles head on. (Passable on the right looking up canyon.)

Diane attacking one of the obstacles head on. (Passable on the right looking up canyon.)

Getting There

From the park entrance, follow highway 9 into the park. Continue past the junction with the main Zion Canyon. Continue up the switchbacks and through the tunnel. Just on the other side of the tunnel is a small parking area on the right. This is the Pine Creek trailhead, continue a few hundred feet past to other parking for the Canyon Overlook Trail. Shelf Canyon is just past the Canyon Overlook trail. Parking can be tough on busy days.

Diane just entering the narrows.

Diane just entering the narrows.

The narrow end of the canyon

The narrow end of the canyon


From the parking area, find a way down into the canyon bottom on the north side of the road. Easiest is following the slickrock on the left side of the canyon for a minute or two, then hiking down in.

Once in the canyon bottom, head up canyon. The few obstacles en route to the slot can generally be easily surmounted by hiking around on the right side. After a few boulder piles, the canyon quickly narrows.

Water is common in this section, but generally less than knee deep. Diane was able to stay dry in this section with some solid stemming skills, though most may just want to wade the shallow pools.

Once the canyon narrows, the end is in just a couple of minutes further along at a shelf-lined dryfall. Return the same way.


Route / 0.71 miles / Elevation Range 5,156 - 5,533 ft.
Printable Maps:


12S 327903mE 4120465mN

N37° 12' 53" W112° 56' 22"


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