Pensive Putterman | Kane Creek

Climbing Pensive Putterman - Kane Creek Climbing Pensive Putterman

Kane Creek


RATING: 5.3 C1
LENGTH: 1-2 hours
MAPS: None Needed.


A chance of snow showers before 2pm, then a chance of rain showers between 2pm and 5pm. Partly sunny, with a high near 49. West southwest wind around 5 mph. Chance of precipitation is 30%.

49 | 31


Sunny, with a high near 49. West northwest wind around 5 mph.

49 | 29


Mostly sunny, with a high near 52.

52 | 29


Sunny, with a high near 57.

57 | 32


Sunny, with a high near 63.

63 | 36

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SEASON: Any, although summers can be hot.
GEAR: 50 m ( 165 ft. ) Rope – Quick draws – Stick Clip – Set of cams (TCU to #3 Black Diamond C4), set of nuts, aid gear


A chance of snow showers before 2pm, then a chance of rain showers between 2pm and 5pm. Partly sunny, with a high near 49. West southwest wind around 5 mph. Chance of precipitation is 30%.

49 | 31


Sunny, with a high near 49. West northwest wind around 5 mph.

49 | 29


Mostly sunny, with a high near 52.

52 | 29


Sunny, with a high near 57.

57 | 32


Sunny, with a high near 63.

63 | 36

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Tower from the road

Tower from the road

Pensive Putterman, just off Kane Creek road, is another short, easy tower to summit. Due to it's proximity next to the road, climbing it often draws a crowd of on-lookers. If you are doing Happy Turk Hoodoo across the road, be sure to climb this as well.

Pensive Putterman Tower in Kane Creek

Pensive Putterman Tower in Kane Creek

A pensive sunrise on Pensive Putterman.

A pensive sunrise on Pensive Putterman.

Getting There

From downtown Moab, head to south to Kane Creek Blvd. Turn right on Kane Creek Blvd. (This is currently where the McDonald's and Burger King are.)

  • Reset odometer as you turn onto Kane Creek Blvd. ( 12S 626362mE 4269376mN / N38° 33' 50" W109° 32' 59" )
  • 2.6 miles - Moab Rim Trailhead and Pit Toilet on the left. ( 12S 623455mE 4268771mN / N38° 33' 32" W109° 34' 59" )
  • 2.7 miles - King Bottom Campground ( 12S 623368mE 4268646mN / N38° 33' 28" W109° 35' 03" )
  • 3.05 miles - Moonflower Campground / Trailhead on the left and rock art panel. ( 12S 623137mE 4268307mN / N38° 33' 17" W109° 35' 12" )
  • 3.5 - Dirt road goes off on the left and up a hill. This is the Elephant Panel Trailhead. ( 12S 622637mE 4267587mN / N38° 32' 54" W109° 35' 34" )
  • 4.0 miles - Small Sheep Rock art panel next to the road on the left. ( 12S 622334mE 4267010mN / N38° 32' 35" W109° 35' 46" )
  • 4.3 miles - Small petroglyph panel next to the road on the left. ( 12S 622112mE 4266521mN / N38° 32' 19" W109° 35' 56" )
  • 4.6 miles - Pritchett Canyon Trailhead ( 12S 622059mE 4266123mN / N38° 32' 07" W109° 35' 58" )
  • 4.7 miles - Road turns to dirt with a big parking area on the left. ( 12S 622011mE 4266036mN / N38° 32' 04" W109° 36' 00" )
  • 5.1 miles - Small parking area and trail going up to a panel on the left. ( 12S 622546mE 4265578mN / N38° 31' 49" W109° 35' 39" )
  • 5.3 miles - Large parking area on the right. This is the False Kiva Trailhead, and also the Amasa Back Trail Parking area. ( 12S 622314mE 4265360mN / N38° 31' 42" W109° 35' 48" )
  • 5.8 miles - Amasa Back Trail ( 12S 621895mE 4264888mN / N38° 31' 27" W109° 36' 06" )
  • 6.1 miles - Birthing Rock on the right. Small parking area. This is also the trailhead for Map Panel. ( 12S 621821mE 4264647mN / N38° 31' 19" W109° 36' 09" )
  • 6.18 miles - Boulder with petroglyph on the right. ( 12S 621845mE 4264524mN / N38° 31' 15" W109° 36' 08" )
  • 6.2 miles - Parking are on the left just after cresting a hill and starting down the other side. This is the Funnel Arch Trailhead. ( 12S 621995mE 4264439mN / N38° 31' 12" W109° 36' 02" )
  • 6.9 miles - Spring Site Walk in Campground ( 12S 622505mE 4264245mN / N38° 31' 05" W109° 35' 41" )
  • 7.7 miles - Hunter Canyon Campground ( 12S 622319mE 4263329mN / N38° 30' 36" W109° 35' 49" )
  • 8.0 miles - Ice Cream Parlor Climbing Area on the left. ( 12S 622006mE 4263348mN / N38° 30' 37" W109° 36' 02" )
  • 9.5 miles - Ledge A Campground ( 12S 621541mE 4261386mN / N38° 29' 33" W109° 36' 23" )
  • 9.9 miles - Ledge B Campground ( 12S 621699mE 4260561mN / N38° 29' 06" W109° 36' 17" )
  • 10.2 - Happy Turk Hoodoo / Pensive Putterman ( 12S 621873mE 4260234mN / N38° 28' 56" W109° 36' 10" )
Gearing up at the base, stick clip not needed.

Gearing up at the base, stick clip not needed.

Pensive Putterman Summit

Pensive Putterman Summit


Route: All Along the Putt-Tower

The route starts on the back side of the tower, away from the road. Scramble up to the base. There are 2 bolts without hangers out on the right, which are not part of the route. Instead, look for 3 pitons up the middle of this back side.

To reach the first piton, free climb or aid the crack to the right of the piton crack. Once up 15 feet to a ledge, traverse over, place a piece or two, then either aid up to, or stick clip the first piton. If aiding, the crack left of the piton crack accepts better gear. From the first piton, follow another piton directly above, then lean out right and clip a third piton before summiting.

Rappel the route using an interesting, but seemingly solid anchor.


Printable Maps:

Pensive Putterman

12S 621845mE 4260227mN

N38° 28' 55" W109° 36' 11"

Happy Turk Hoodoo

12S 621998mE 4260297mN

N38° 28' 58" W109° 36' 05"


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