Hog Springs | North Wash

Hiking Hog Springs - North WashRoadside Attraction Hog Springs - North Wash Hog Springs

North Wash


RATING: Easy hiking


Sunny, with a high near 71. North northwest wind around 5 mph.

71 | 41


Sunny, with a high near 73. East wind 2 to 6 mph.

73 | 43


Mostly sunny, with a high near 72.

72 | 44


Mostly sunny, with a high near 72.

72 | 49


A chance of rain. Partly sunny, with a high near 59.

59 | 42

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GEAR: Standard Hiking Gear
WATER: Generally a small stream, but easy to keep your feet dry.


Sunny, with a high near 71. North northwest wind around 5 mph.

71 | 41


Sunny, with a high near 73. East wind 2 to 6 mph.

73 | 43


Mostly sunny, with a high near 72.

72 | 44


Mostly sunny, with a high near 72.

72 | 49


A chance of rain. Partly sunny, with a high near 59.

59 | 42

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Petroglyph 2 in North Wash near Hog Spring

Petroglyph 2 in North Wash near Hog Spring

Hog Springs, in addition to being the rest area for travelers and canyoneers in North Wash, also offers a great short hike and several pictograph and petroglyph panels in the area. Most travelers stop to use the facilities and move on, but spending an hour or so hiking to the pools in Hog Springs and visiting the panels nearby is very worthwhile. The pools offer an escape from summer heat and are usually quite clear and clean.

The final dryfall and pool - Hog Springs

The final dryfall and pool - Hog Springs

Small stream in Hog Springs

Small stream in Hog Springs

Getting There

From Hanksville, follow highway 95 south to mile post 33.2 (which is 33.2 miles south of Hanksville) The Hog Spring Rest area is on the right, and the trailhead.

Petroglyph in North Wash near Hog Spring

Petroglyph in North Wash near Hog Spring

Typical scene - Hog Springs

Typical scene - Hog Springs


Rock Art and Historic Site Etiquette
Rock art and historic sites are fragile, non-renewable cultural resources that, once damaged, can never be replaced. To ensure they are protected, please:
  • Avoid Touching the Petroglyphs: Look and observe, BUT DO NOT TOUCH!
  • Stay on the Trails: Stay on the most used trails when visiting sites, and don't create new trails or trample vegetation.
  • Photography and Sketching is Allowed: Do not introduce any foreign substance to enhance the carved and pecked images for photographic or drawing purposes. Altering, defacing, or damaging the petroglyphs is against the law -- even if the damage is unintentional.
  • Pets: Keep pets on a leash and clean up after them.
  • Artifacts: If you happen to come across sherds (broken pottery) or lithics (flakes of stone tools), leave them where you see them. Once they are moved or removed, a piece of the past is forever lost.

Hog Springs Hike
Follow the well-traveled trail up along the stream. It passes a couple of small pools before reaching a dryfall and deep pool 30 or so minutes from the trailhead. In almost all conditions, you can keep your feet dry. The pool offers a resplendent oasis in the desert. The ambitious can hike around the dryfall on the left, and up to the bottom of the Hog Canyons above.

Pictographs and Petroglyphs
The Moki Queen, as some know her by, is a large pictograph in the alcove just south of the Hog Spring rest area. Walk the highway south 1-2 minutes until you are directly across from the obvious large alcove on the right. A social trail crosses North Wash and visits the alcove/panel.

Finally, and this one is a bit more tricky to find, there is a pictograph panel almost directly across the highway from the rest area. Cross the highway and find a large boulder leaning against a wall you can walk under. Walk under the boulder and then look up and around. There are a few petroglyphs here.


Route / 2.09 miles / Elevation Range 4,086 - 4,235 ft.
Printable Maps:


12S 544686mE 4201800mN

N37° 57' 46" W110° 29' 29"


12S 543272mE 4202031mN

N37° 57' 54" W110° 30' 27"


12S 544765mE 4201842mN

N37° 57' 47" W110° 29' 25"


12S 544892mE 4201635mN

N37° 57' 40" W110° 29' 20"


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