User | Sandstone Addiction

Sandstone Addiction


6 Karma


Salem, Utah

Sandstone Addiction's Trip Reports

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4 trip Arch Canyon Ruin - Cedar Mesa
Date: 10/21/2024
Saw the fenced off ruins on the 20th, but rain forced us to retreat on our atv's and mc. We returned on the 21st to beautiful sun and temps in mid 60's. The papoose feet prints were the highlight of this trip.
1 trip Hog Canyons - North Wash
Date: 09/13/2024
Hog 2--Group of 6, including Scott, Megan, Lily, Noah, Brandon and myself opted for the shuttle. We also opted for the spicy downclimb instead of the rappel. Scott dropped his phone in the birth canal and had to rap into the hole. The spiders enticed him to jug back up the rope. Phone was fine. No water in the plunge pool.
1 trip Constrychnine Canyon - Poison Spring
Date: 03/23/2024
Group of 4 including Scott Whiting, Caleb (Scott's Friend), Trevor and myself descended Constrycnine for the first time. Leisurely 7 hours car to car. Took extra time with noob, water and extra caution on sketchy anchors. Weather was partly cloudy, mid 60's and a lot of wind. Great day.
1 trip Pine Creek - Zion Main Canyon
Date: 07/22/2023
Group of 9, including Trevor, Adam Steward, Scott and Megan Whiting, Jack Johnson, Michael Johnson, Crystal and Braden ? Descended Pine Creek on a very very hot day in Zion. We met at the Maverik in LaVerkin at 0800 and were on our way to the main gate by 0820. It took us about 15 minutes to get through the gate. We then met at the 2nd switchback and left ours and Adam's car and piled in with Scott and Megan. We geared up and were on our way downcanyon around 0915. We saw water in the 1st pot hole, so we donned wetsuits and hurredly rapped the first drop/downclimb where we were able to get cooled off. The next rap was off the new glue in anchor. The pothole that we could stand in and clip in was scoured out so we had to balance on the fin which was sketchy for some. The next rap was from a log. The next rap is the magnificent cathredral room with the 2 arches. I totally didn't get a chance to really enjoy this on the last trip. I made sure that I didn't make that mistake again. The water was only waist deep at most with a gravel bar exposed in the middle. The hallway was only waste deep at most with no swimming. Amazing to see what we were swimming over. We did take about 15 minutes to take in the unbelievable beauty of the light filtering down. It changed while we were watching. We came to the next rap that was only 15' before but was now about 35' because of no water. The next rap was the penultimate rap down the slab on the right. We had already removed the wetsuits by then and was starting to get warm. We single roped this one. We went to the last rap and used the alternate bolts in the watercourse which deposited us in the alcove room with a spring. Nice rap, but very airy. I had my friction dialed in and enjoyed a carefree ride down the rope. Scott and Megan set up all the rappels and were out front the entire time. Trevor and Adam kinda floated, sometimes in front, sometimes in back. I was the last to rappel every rap and was left with the responsibility to make sure the novice members of our group were clipped in correctly. Funny that the couple who caught up to us at the final rap asked if I was a "guide". I told them that I was kind of a guide. We spent a while at the spring and pool enjoying lunch and a cool spot before we embarked on the unpleasant boulder navigation that lay ahead. We did finally get to a spot that we had to actually swim which was refreshing. Trevor mentioned that he was excited to get to the swimming hole and was hoping there would be some "scantily clad girls" there. He wasn't disappointed. We climbed out and didn't even get checked for our papers. Trevor drove Scott and Megan and Adam drove Braden through the tunnel to retrieve the cars while we basked in the scortching hot sun!
3 trip Ding and Dang Canyons - San Rafael Swell
Date: 11/26/2022
Trevor and I went through on an overcast day with Temps in the mid to upper 40's. Potholes up to waist deep in Dang, knee deep in Ding.
1 trip Crumbling Canyon - Spanish Fork Canyon
Date: 10/14/2022
Trevor and I finally descended this one. It was more challenging that I had imagined, especially the final rap.
1 trip Slideanide Canyon - Poison Spring
Date: 10/30/2021
one of the best canyons anywhere
1 trip Diana's Throne Canyon - Zion East Side
Date: 10/16/2021
Too many people! Fun little canyon though.
3 trip Upper Calf Creek Falls - Escalante
Date: 10/17/0020
Water in the Upper, Upper falls pool was in the mid 40's but very refreshing in 4/3 wetsuit.
1 trip Arscenic Canyon - Poison Spring
Date: 11/03/0018
Love this canyon.
